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从全球治理论我国毒品防制政策(drug abuse)之机制建构
2010-01-24 10:44:12 来自: 宪政法制组政策委员 作者:詹中原 宪政(研) 096- 阅读量:1

  United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime http://www.unodc.org/unodc/index.html

  W?lti, Sonja, and Daniel Kübler. 2003. “‘New Governance’ and Association Pluralism: The

  Case of Drug Policy in Swiss Cities.” Policy Studies Journal 31(4): 499-525.

  Waugh Jr., William L. 2006. “Collaboration and Leadership for Effective Emergency Management.” Public Administration Review 66(special issue): 131-140.

  Webb, Michael C. 1995. The Political Economy of Policy Coordination: International Adjustment Since 1945. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

  Weiss, Thomas G. and Leon Gordenker. eds. 1996. NGOs, the UN, and Global Governance. Boulder, Colo.: Lynne Rienner.

  Wodak, Alex. 2006. “All Drug Politics is Local.” International Journal of Drug Policy 17(2): 83-84.

  Young, Oran R. 1994. International Governance: Protecting the Environment in a Stateless Society. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.


  [1] 参考自AustralianPolicyOnline http://www.apo.org.au/index.shtml 与Australian National Council on Drugs http://www.ancd.org.au/ 网站资料。

  [2] 相关资料参考自United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime http://www.unodc.org/unodc/index.html

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