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2014-12-28 15:13:41 来自:爱思想 作者:周宁 阅读量:1

  [①] To Think of Tea! By Agnes Repplier, Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1932, P17-19.

  [②] To Think of Tea, P30.

  [③] All about Tea, P108.

  [④] To Think of Tea, P32.

  [⑤] To Think of Tea, P7.

  [⑥] Sweetness and Power, by Sidney W. Mintz, Penguin Books, 1985, P248.

  [⑦] Food and Drink in Britain, by C. Anne VV:son, Academy Chicago Publishevs, 1991, P414, 415.

  [⑧] 有关英国18世纪茶叶走私的情况,参见To Think of Tea, P31-56, Chap. Ⅳ, On the Smuggling of Tea into England.

  [⑨] 《国民财富的性质和原因的研究》,郭大力、王亚南译,商务印书馆,1974年第一版,下卷,第460-461页。

  [11] 有关轶事见To Think of Tea, P57-58, Chap. V. “On a Tea-drinker of England”.

  [12] All about Tea, by William H. Ukers, M.A. Vol:Ⅱ, New York: The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal Company, 1935, P405.

  [13] China in World History, By S.A.M. Adshead, Macmillan Press Ltd. 1988, P289-291.

  [14] To Think of Tea, P109.

  [15] 转引自Sweetness and Power, P117.

  [16] The Case of Labourers in husbandry, by Davies, D., London: G.G. and J. Robinson, 1795, P37-39.

  [17] Plenty and Want, by Burnett, J. London: Thomas Nelson Co. 1966, P62-63.

  [18] A Manuel of the History of the Political System of Europe and its Colonies, London: 1846, P172-173.

  [19] A Scientific Theory of Culture and Other Essays, By B. Malinowski, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1944.

  [20] 相关饮食文化学或饮食意识形态研究的有代表性的着作,可见

  ★ Social and Cultural Perspective in Nutrition, edit by Diva Sanjur, Hall.INC. Englewood Cliffs,1982.

  ★ Food, People and Nutrition, by Eleanor F.Eckstein, Av Publishing Co., Inc., West-Port,Connecticut, 1980

  ★ Nutritional Anthropology, by N.W.Jerome, R.F. Kandel, G.H.Pelto, New York; Redgrave, 1980.

  ★ Cultrue and Change in Relations to Nutrition, by M. Mead, Burgess and Lane, 1962.

  ★ Food in China: A Cultural and Historical Enguiry, Boston: CRC Press, 1991.

  ★ Anthropology of Food and Nutrition, by S.L. Doshi Jaipur and New Delhi: Rawat Publications, 1995.

  [21] To Think of Tea, P34.

  [22] 参见哈贝马斯的重要论文《公共舆论的结构变化》。

  [23] 有关论述参见China and the Brave New World, By TAN CHUNG, Carolina Academic Press, 1978, P76-77.

  [24] All about Tea, By Ukers. W. H. New York: The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal Co. 1935, vol.Ⅰ, P67.

  [25] 有关英国茶税状况,可参见All About Tea, P Chapter Ⅶ, History of the British in Tea, P124-127.

  [26] 转引自Sweetness and Power, P115

  [27] Sweetness and Power, P 158-159.

  [28] 《德国思想家论中国》,P92页。

  [29] 相关论述详见《白银时代》(德)贡德·弗兰克着,刘北成译,中央编译出版社,2000年版,第2、3章。

  [30] 有关世界范围内鸦片早期传播的过程,参见“On the Trail of the Ancient Opium Poppy, by Mark·David·Merlin, London and Toronto: Rutherford, Madison, Teaneck, Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1983.

  [31] 《中国近代史资料丛刊:鸦片战争(一) 》,中国史学会主编,上海人民出版社,第305页。

  [32] 《本草纲目》下册,第23卷,第1494页。

  [33] 《中国近代史资料丛刊:鸦片战争(一) 》,中国史学会主编,上海人民出版社,第288页。

  [34] 明清之交。方以智(1611-1671)中国晚明清初哲学家、科学家。

  [35] 参见Carl A. Trocki的引述:“Opium, Empire and the Global Political Economy, London and New York: Routledge, 1999, P35.

  [36] 《鸦片战争》(一),第288页。

  [37] 《鸦片战争》(一),第288页。

  [38] 《中国禁毒史资料》马模贞主编,天津人民出版社,1998年版,第5-6页。

  [39] 《鸦片战争》(一)第306、299页。

  [40] 《鸦片战争》(一)第306、299页。

  [41] China in World History, By S. A. M. Adshead, P292.

  [42] 《鸦片战争》(一)第307页。

  [43] 《鸦片战争》(一)第296页。

  [44] 《鸦片战争》(一)第296页。

  [45] 《中国禁毒史资料》第50-51页。

  [46] 《鸦片战争》(一)第348页。

  [47] 《中国禁毒史资料》第252页。

  [48] 参见苏智良《中国毒品史》上海人民出版社,1997年版,第7页。

  [49] 《中国禁毒史资料》第252页。

  [50] 参见《中国禁毒简史》王金香着,学习出版社,1996年版,第一章,“清道光年间的禁烟活动。”“Opium Smoking in Ching China” In Conflict and Control in Late Imperial China, ed. Fredric Wakeman, Jr. and Carolyn Grant, 143-73、Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1975.

  [51] 《中国禁毒史资料》,第255页。

  [52] 《鸦片战争》(一)第317页。

  [53] 《鸦片战争》(一)第317页。

  [54] 《中国禁毒史资料》第250页。

  [55] 《鸦片战争》(一)第289页。

  [56] 《鸦片战争》(一)第316页。

  [57] 《鸦片战争》(一)第235-236页。

  [58] “Fan Kwae at Canton Before Treaty Days, 1825-1844”By William C. Hunter, Shanghai, 1911, P80.

  [59] The Rupture with China and its causes including the Opium Question by a Resident in China (1840), P6-8.

  [60] Narrative of the Expedition to China, by Commander J. Elliot Bingham, Henry Colburn, London, 1843, Vol Ⅰ, P1, 又参见本书文选。第 页。

  [61] 英语中Drng一词,具有药品与毒品的双重含义。汉语中找不到对应词,只好用“药品/毒品”这一复合形式表达。

  [62] 有关世界范围内的药品/毒品的使用与贸易背景,参见Global Political Economy, Chapter Ⅱ: All the drowsy syrlips of the World, P13-32.

  [63] 有关问题参见《白银资本》(德)贡德·弗兰克着,刘北成译,中央编译出版社2000年版。

  [64] Opiun, Empire and the Global Political Economy, P58-59.

  [65] Opium, Empire and the Global Political Economy, P9.

  [66] Hansard’s Parliamentary Debates, 3rd Series, Ⅲ(1840), 转引自 “The Dragon Wakes: China and the West, 1793-1911, by Christopher Hibbert, Longman, 1970, P142-143.

  [67] (美)L·S·斯塔夫里阿诺斯着,吴象婴、梁赤民译,吴象婴校订,《全球通史——1500年以后的世界》上海社会科学院出版社,1999年版,566-567。

  [68] Narrative of the Expedition to China, vol: Ⅰ, P1.

  [69] 宾汉在《远征中国纪实》的序言中写道:“几个世纪以来,我们与中国的交往纯粹是商业上的。直到1840年,新的时代开始了,这个强大的东方国家与西方世界的人民发生了激烈的冲突。此前中国一直把西方人当作半开化的野蛮人,用一种香草(指茶——引者注)交换我们的产品,这种香草如今已成为我们生活中的必需品,它的芬芳充满了使人欢快而不使人迷醉的茶杯”。“Narrative of the Expedition to China, vol: Ⅰ Preface, Xiii.

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