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Substitution therapy in Poland, lessons learned from history, advances in treatment of dependence an
2007-07-08 19:22:20 来自: 作者: 阅读量:1

Substitution therapy in Poland, lessons learned from history, advances in treatment of dependence and prevention of HIV

Bogusław Habrat

Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology, Warsaw. Poland

Beijing, June 2006


      Country in a Middle Europe

      Borders with: Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, Belarussia, Lithuania, Kaliningrad Enclave (Russia)

      Over 38 mln citizens

      Since 80’s – great political, economical, social and cultural transitions

Heroin use history

      Up to 60s – casual opiate dependence among medical staff member

      Since 60s – influence of „hippies ideology”, borders were closed, discovering „kompot” – cheap product from poppies containing heroin, morphine, other alcaloids and being very unpure microbiologically and chemically

History of heroin use (cont.)

      60s-70s – neglecting problems but many restrictions concerning psychoactive medications

      Late 70s-80s – begining of discussion on drug problems solving, supporting non-public health services for drug addicts treatment (based on therapeutic communities principles, Synanon-like programs)

History of heroin use (cont.)

      80s-90s – legal acts for counteracting against drug use, National Programs Against Drugs, developing treatment and prevention programs

      1992 – permission for 1st experimental, time limited up to 7-months methadone program (IPN-Warsaw)

      1993 – very strong patients’ and their familes’ pressure for program continuation

Circumstances of introducing first substitution program in Poland
Medical professionals

      Observations of ineffectivity of detoxification

      Low knowledge about nature of addiction

      Wide opinion about high efectiveness of drug-free oriented, demedecalized programs

      Research - Low effectivity of drug-free oriented programs

      Many patients didn’t accept drug-free programs

      Etical opposition to „Western experiments”


Circumstances of introducing first substitution program in Poland
Public opinion

      Low acceptance of heroin addicts („self caused disorder”, dirty, agressive, dangerous)

      Fear of AIDS – proposals of rejecting patients to closed, out-of-city located centers, „exporting to isolated island” etc.

      Competition to public money („why old diabetics, paying money for health insurance should cover (partailly) treatment, but young unenployed people with caused by themself disorders will be treated free of charge”)


Circumstances of introducing first substitution program in Poland

      Fear of politicians to undertake nonpopular, expansive decision in a situation of a lack of money in just reformed public medical services

      Preferring voices of milion pensionares over small number non-voting drug adicts

      Suspiciousness to international organisation promoting substitution therapy („what is their real aim”, fear of expansion of Western culture)

      Lack of law regulation permitted ST  

Activity for introducing ST

      Lobbying among medical university communities (discussions, asking for support)

      Asking for permission for EXPERIMENTAL program that don’t need special regulations

      Organization of conferences, symposiums, lectures, inviting distinguish foreign persons

      Press conferences, media, initiating public discussion

      During discussion with politicians thanks for their (often non-existing) support in introducing modern, effective solving of medical and social problems caused by drugs

Activity for introducing ST

      Supporting argues by citation of prestigious international organisations positions (UN and their agendas including WHO, Council of Europe)

      Cooperation with international NGO in staff training

      Involving to international cooperation people being against ST

      Involving drug-free oriented staff for cooperation

Experimental program as a gate to wider project

      Experimental programs don’t need so many administrative permissions

      Status of scientist is higher as „obvious practitioners”

      Experimental programs resulte evidence (for effectivity)

      Opened programs self-defende (local communitee can see clear difference)

      Presentation of results make able to be present in many conferences, symposium, discussions and have better argues

% of continuing treatment in drug free and methadone maintenance progarms

Physical health before and after one year participation in MMP

The use of psychoactive substances by methadone patients before and after one year participation in MMP

AUDIT scores before and after one year participation in MMP

Change of cigaretts brand for containing less nicotine (mg/cig.)

Quality of Life (SF-36) before and after one year participation in MMP


Results of ST promotion

      Permission by low for ST (1996)

      Slowly, but systematic increase of ST centers and slots

      Increasing acceptance for ST among drug users, their families, professionals, politicians and public opinion

      Stable position in treatment alternatives (law, handbooks, standards, algorithms

      Moving level of dicussion from „if” to „how”, „how many”, „for whom”, „when”

i.v. drug use as a source of HIV infection in 1994 in PL

Heroine use and treatment programs

      Early 90s – „AIDS panic”, majority of HIV infected patients were I.V. drug users

      1994-95 – next two programs in Warsaw (one for AIDS patients only)

      1994/5 – program in small city Starachowice for all 18 HIV-negative heroin users (different experiences with small community reactions)

Opiate use and maintenance programs

      1996 – Act against drugs permitted substitution therapy

      1999 – Executive act for methadone treatment (high threshold)

      90s – discussion between professionalists and in media on substitution treatment

      90s – „good will but not decission” undertaken by officials

Finansing as a source of troubles and successes in PL

      Bad experiences when medical services were financed from a central budget

      „Golden era” of methadone programs when medical organization and financing were on community level (centers in: Zgorzelec, Chorzów, Lublin/Puławy, Szczecin, Kraków, Poznań)

      Many problems when all public medical services begun to be financed by local insurance companies

      Need of stable financing sources. Receiving money for first 1-2 years from outsources make a presure for continuation by local sources, is risky but in PL - successfull 

Current status of opiate addiction in Poland

      Estimated number of opiate addicts is between 35.000-40.000

      Yearly on 5.000-7.000 of them have contact with addiction medicine services

      High mortality (because of overdosing, mainly) and morbidity

      In detoxification unit in major cities about half of patients are dependent from non i.v. opiates („brown suger”), they are different from former i.v. „kompot” users

Current treatment of opiate dependence in Poland

      Avoilability of addiction medicine is improved but still unadequete

      Waiting lists in detoxification units

      Waiting list in rehabilitation centers

      Small number of effective outpatients programs

      There more than 12 methadone programs for over 700 patients. It means that MMP is avoilable for ca 2% of opiate dependent patients.

Legal regulations

      Act for counteracting of drug use 1996: „substitution therapy is one from the forms of opioid dependence treatment”

      Executive act concerning substitution therapy detaily described inclusion criteria, reasons of exlusion, minimum quantity of psychotherapy, frequency of urine testing, central registering etc.

Legal regulations, guidelinesses

      Permission for MMP can be given by vojvoda (governors) but customary contens of programs were reviewed and opinioned by Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology. Currently new regulations (2004) moved decision to lower level and opinion is given by comission on National Bureau for Counteracting Drug Problems.

      Executive acts (1999, 2004)

      Euromethwork broschure is widely avoilable.

Program description –
inclusion criteria

      Opioid dependence

      Age >18 years

      >3 years of dependence history

      min. 3 unsucessfull trials of treatment in the past

      Possibility non-respecting of that „if exist important medical indications”

Program description – assessment procedure

      Routine physical and psychiatric investigation using ICD-10 criteria

      HIV when patients agree for that, HBV or HCV – when are clinical indications



Treatment planning

      All patients are putting into structured treatment: beginning from hospitalization for change opiates to metahdone and dose fixing.

      Common program for rehabilitation with individualized differences dependent from needs and possibilities (phusical treatment, individual psychotherapy, social support)

Treatment components

      1. Methadone distribution

      2. Treatment of mental and physical illnesses

      3. Obligatory participations in min. 2 hours/week group psychotherapy

      4. Access to individual psychotherapy

      5. Some elements of family therapy/education

      6. Social support


      Individual dosages dependent from patients’ needs

      Mean dosage – ca 80mg/day

      No maximum limit

      Dosages over 150mg very rare

Supervision of methadone intake

      All dosages of methadone solution must be consumed in a presence og qualified methadone staff

      Although low doesn’t permit that, ca 20% of patients can deliver methadone to home for 3-4 days



Urine controls

      Executive act obligated staff to test urine no less frequently as 1 time/month

      In practice beginners or patients suspected for substance use have more frequent urine control

      Used test are focused on substances often abused

Restriction and sanctions

      Discharge from the program CAN be made when:

   3 following urine tests are positive

  there is non-complience (absence in program for more than two days, aggression, dealing of drugs, being intoxicated with alcohol on area of hospital)

Staff and training of staff

      Head of program must be a psychiatrist having min. 3 months experience in addiction medicine

      If psychiatrist is not a head of programme, a head of program should be a medical specialist having min. 2 years of experiences with addiction medicine. Psychiatrist must be employed.

      Other staff: psychotherapists, trained nurses (min. two of both professions for 50 patients

      All professional staff should be after training in Institute of Psychiatry or adequate foreign training

Funding of program

      All programs should be financed by insurance companies only

      Permission cannot be given when stable financial support is not warranted

      There is not a possibility to receive money from patients or from other sources for basic program

Annual statistics

      There is not regular statistics about methadone treatment

      Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology regularly publish scintific papers, between others on retaining in program, discharges, reasons of discharges etc.

Links to other agencies and services

      Access to basic specialistic services: internists, surgeons, obstetrics and gynecologists, infectious diseases clinics must be warranted

      Collaboration with social care services are mostly good although their possibilities are not high (lack of job offers, hostels etc.)

Patient documentation

      At intake: full routine physical and psychiatric examinations documented in routine patients’ records; serological examination for syphilis, chest X-ray examination for tbc are obligatory; offer of HIV serology id given to all patients but can be made after patients agreement, only; HBV and HCV are made in cases of suspected infection (high costs); obligatory general urine examination, blood morphology, hepatic enzymes are routine test; in suspection of comorbid physical disorders – adequate examinations should be made (CT, MRI)


Patients documentation

      During treatment: controlling of methadone distribution is extremely restricted. Many forms must be completed, signed etc. All medical, psychological and social interventions are noted. Adverse evants are noted, in case of serious adverse evants special Comission must be informed.


Similarities and differences to other programs

      Programs in Warsaw and Łodź will be typical substitutional programs.

      One Warsaw program is adressed to AIDS patients only, program in Chorzów – to HIV or AIDS patients

      Small program in Starachowice is quite different, because works in a small community and contain all heroin dependent

Current problems and obstacles to programme implementation


      The main problem is with stability and adequacy of prpgram financing

HIV-preventive guidelines and regulations in drug treatment services

Act concerning infectious disease (modyfying by adding HIV and AIDS as the main dangers for public health)

National Programme for HIV Prevention and Care for People Living with HIV/AIDS for period 1999-2003 www.aids.gov.pl/arch/933

European Guidelines for teh Clinical Management and Treatment of HIV Infected Adults in Europe (the EACS Euroguidelines Group 2002)


Available HIV/hepatitis prevention intervention and procedures

      All basic diagnostic tests can be made. There is a possibility to turn patients to AIDS centre for more sophisticated tests and consultation. There can be a problem with financing of expansive tests.

      Syringe/needle exchange don’t concern MMP patients

      Condoms are available but are not very popular in that population (independently of medical advices)

      Good access to infectious disease counselling

      Outreach activities are not made by IPN but by other institutions

      HIV/AIDS informations are available

      Hepatitis B vaccination are avoilable in other institutions, but are made rerely because of high rate of infections

Prevalence of HIV seropositivity, AIDS, hepatitis B and C

      Since 1985 – 7.826 infections of HIV

      2001 – 560 new cases of HIV+

      Since 1985 – 1.237 cases of AIDS (608 died)

HIV+ among i.v. drug users

Yearly morbidity of hepatitis B

Hepatitis type B and C

      Big campaign against hepatitis type B

   all newborns were vaccinated – govern.

   free vaccination for risk groups- govern,

   possibility of paid vaccination for others

      Although drug addicts are risk group, majority of them are infected

      In major cities up to 100% methadone patients are HCV infected! (negative selection). In small „closed” communities all drug addicts are HBV, HCV and HIV negative

Available guidelines and regulation for the management of clients with infectious disease

      European Guideliness for the Clinical Management and Treatment of HIV Infected Adults in Europe (The EACS Euroguidelines Group 2002)

Available medication and medical care

      In Poland all infected patients can access to free antiretroviral program. There can be some limitations (long distance to AIDS centers, medical counterindications.

      Access to hepatitis treatment with interferon is very limited (high cost, high treshold including criteria)

Link to special services for the management of infectious diseases

      In Warsaw there is no problem so with acces to couselling as to prolonged treatment

Similarities and differences to client management for infectious diseases in other services

      The best access have patients in program located and orgnized by infectious disease sector (Warsaw, Chorzów)

      Programs in small cities have more problems

Current problems and obstacles...

      High cost of antiretoviral and interferon therapy

Research resources

      Research staff – three psychiatrists with M.D., Ph.D after many training in Poland and abroad, having certificate of therapist of addictions; 1 psychologist – certificated therapists of addictions, all are lecteurer on trainings organized by IPN.


Research experience

      Members of program staff are authors of 250 papers in English and Polish, mainly in the field of dependences, MMP especially.

      Currently in IPN is provided fifth scientific program on subjective needs and expectancies of detoxification patients, formerly, QoL before and after 1 year of MMP, physical status after MMP, analysis of reteining in program, pharmacokinetics of heroine

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