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Monitoring and evaluation of methadone maintenance programs
2007-07-08 10:03:27 来自: 作者: 阅读量:1

WHO collaborative project on drug dependence treatment and HIV/AIDS
Workshop Beijing 29.-31.05.2006


Monitoring and evaluation of methadone maintenance programs



Research Institute for Public Health and Addiction

associated with Zurich University



Objectives of monitoring MMT


Service utilisation corresponds to expectations

Used by target population

Optimal use of service capacity and resources

Service quality corresponds to expectations

Standards of care / good practice rules respected

Qualified staff available

Minimal adverse events

Ethical guidelines respected




Schedules for the assessment of standards of care in substance abuse treatment
(WHO 1992)

      Standards on access, availability and admission criteria (A1-11)

      Standards on assessment (B1-12)

      Standards on treatment content, provision and organisation (C1-18)

      Standards on discharge, aftercare and referral (D1-7)

      Standards on patient‘s rights (E1-6)

      Standards on physical aspects of the treatment setting (F1-4)

      Standards on staffing (G1-7)



Schedules for the assessment of standards of care in substance abuse treatment
(WHO 1992), contd.

      The assessment is made in 3 steps :

   Is the standard considered to be essential, advisable or not indicated

   Is the indicated standard adequately met, inadequately met or not met at all

   If inadequately or not met : why, how to improve


      The assessment is made separately for :

   Management of acute intoxication, of acute withdrawal, of drug dependence (including OST), of physical conditions, of psychiatric disorders, of psychosocial disability




13 principles of effective drug addiction treatment
A research based Guide (NIDA 1999)

       Matching treatment to individual patient needs

       Immediate availability and accessability

       Address drug use and the associated medical, psychological, social, vocational and legal problems

       Individual treatment plans must be continuously assessed and eventually modified

       Minimal duration needed is 3 months, duration related to individual problems and needs

       Counseling and other behavioural therapies are essential

       Medications incl. replacement therapies are effective in combination with counseling and behavioral therapies




13 principles of effective drug addiction treatment
A research based Guide (NIDA 1999), contd.


      Integrated treatment of psychiatric comorbidity

      Sanctions / enticements can increase retention and outcome

      Persisting drug use during treatment must be monitored

      Prevention and treatment of blood born infections must be integrated

      Multiple treatment episodes may be needed.





Voluntary Counseling and Testing VCT
(UNAIDS best practice collection 2000)

      Voluntary counseling and testing for HIV : background, challenges, responses


    Counseling process (pre- & post-test)

    HIV testing

    Entry point to prevention and care

    Expanding access, reducing costs

    Improving education and awareness

    Meeting the needs of specific groups

      Tools for evaluating HIV voluntary counseling and testing (UNAIDS 2000)


Staff attitudes and satisfaction questionnaire
(Kang et al 1997)

      Counselor attitudes, knowledge and satisfaction in methadone maintenance treatment

Self-administered questionnaire

2 domains, 96 resp. 51 items

   Personal demographics, professional background, caseload characteristics, attitudes towards addiction / treatment policies / work environment / patients

   Opinions on drug addiction / methadone programme policies / patients, medical knowledge about methadone, satisfaction with work environment




Ethical Guidelines
Adequacy in Drug Abuse Treatment and Care in Europe ADAT (WHO Euro office 2000)


   Basic values and human rights

   0rganisation of treatment and care

   Responsibilities of services

   Professional competence and behavior in general

   Professional behavior towards clients

   Bill of rights for clients

   Procedure in case of infringement of guidelines

      Checklist for the development of regional guidelines




  Outcome Evaluation in MMT

Outcome objectives
on the individual level (1)


Somatic health improvements

No acquisition /transmission of blood born infections

Psychological health improvements


Social Integration and life style

Social contacts outside drug scene

Gainful employment, adequate housing

No illegal activities


Outcome objectives
on the individual level (2)

Substance use

Reduction of illicit / unprescribed use

Abstaining from high-risk use patterns

Phasing-out facilitated


Quality of life

Subjective life quality improved

Patients are mainly satisfied and stay in treatment

Positive perspectives for the future


Outcome objectives
on the population level  

Public Health

Reduced rate of illicit drug use 

Reduced rate of blood born infections (HIV, Hep.)

Reduced mortality by accident, overdose & suicide 

Public order

Reduced rate of acquisitive crime

Reduced extent of nuisance


savings through effective treatment 



Blood born virus transmission risk assessment questionnaire BBV-TRAQ
(Fry et al 1998)

      Measuring risk-taking and protecting behavior for acquiring / transmitting HIV / Hepatitis

      Self-administered questionnaire, 10-15 min.


  Injecting risk behavior (20 items)

  Sexual risk behavior (8 items)

  Other skin penetration risk behavior (6 items)


  Total risk score, 3 sub-scores

Measuring patient satisfaction :
Treatment perception questionnaire TPQ
(Marsden et al 1998)


      Self-administred questionnaire

      10 questions (agreement rating 1-5)

5 questions regarding the service

5 questions regarding staff attitudes & behaviour

      3 additional questions (on gender, age, duration of treatment)


WHO Quality of Life Questionnaire WHOQOL-BREF 1997


   „“the individuals perception of their position in life in the context of culture and value systems in which they live and in relation to their goals, expectations, standards, concerns


   4 domains, 26 items : physical health (7 items), psychological health (6 items), social relationships (3 items), environment (8 items)

   Short form of the WHOQOL-100

   19 languages, international field tested

   Self-administered or interviewer-administered, standardised instructions, provides a quality-of-life profile, SPSS syntax file available

   For national adaptations consult WHO

Measuring economic outcome in MMT

      Cost-effectiveness analysis

  Comparing costs in terms of outcome

      Cost-utility analysis

  Comparing costs in terms of quality-adjusted life-years QALYs

      Cost-benefit analysis

  Comparing costs in relation to economic benefits

   (CALDATA study, Gerstein et al 1994)

   (WHO/UNDCP/EMCDDA Workbooks on Evaluation of Treatment nr. 8, 2000 )

 Evaluating availability
and affordability 
of MMT


Needs assessment evaluation
Workbooks on Evaluation of Treatment  nr. 3, 2000


      Question 1 : how many people in the region or the community need treatment ?

   Mortality-based models, population surveys, capture-recapture models


      Question 2 : what is the relative need for treatment across regions or communities ?

   No satisfactory assessment methods available



Needs assessment evaluation 2 WHO/UNDCP/EMCDDA
Workbooks on Evaluation of Treatment  nr. 3, 2000

      Question 3 : what types of services are needed and what is the necessary capacity ?

   Questionnaire on availability and accessability of services, exploring the perception of needed treatment by patients/clients (is the intervention you need available, accessible ?) CCCNA Client Centered Community Needs Assessment (Di Villaer 1996)

      Question 4 : are existing services co-ordinated, what is needed to improve system functioning ?

   No reliable and valid instrument available


Drug Abuse Treatment Cost Analysis Program
(French 1998 6th ed.)

      Structured interview and manual

  Public domain, duration 8-16 hours


  Program revenue, client information, personnel, supplies & materials, contracted services,buildings and facilities, equipment, miscellaneous costs and resources


  Total annual costs estimates for each cost category, for the program as a whole, per average client and per treatment episode



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