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Experience of Methadone Implementation in Indonesia
2007-07-08 10:01:36 来自: 作者: 阅读量:1

Experience of Methadone Implementation in Indonesia

Dr. Ratna Mardiati


The Drug Dependence Hospital, Jakarta Indonesia



      Methadone has been widely accepted as one strategy of harm reduction due to HIV/AIDS high prevalence among IDUs in Indonesia

      Methadone program is perceived more as a HIV prevention program than as a drug treatment program

      Methadone program implementation has been limited for a certain national period of time


HIV/AIDS Situation among IDUs

      July 1999, the CDC of Indonesia documented first HIV incidence from IDU population

      1999 – 2000: Rapid Assessment and Response in 8 big cities in Indonesia showed:

  Heroin was the major abused drug and injecting heroin was very common

  Participants knowledge on HIV transmission was very limited


HIV/AIDS Situation among IDUs (2)

      HIV transmission through needles- IDU rising sharply since 2000.

      HIV prevalence from IDU: 24,5-53%.

      Estimated IDU in Indonesia 124.000 – 196.000- in the year 2000.

      IDU contributed 44% from HIV/AIDS new cases in 2004

      We have 312 doctors who have been trained on buprenorphine treatment, 30% have done the work, approximately :  400 patients. Mostly private doctors

HIV/AIDS Situation among IDUs (3)

      Behavior Surveillance Survey for IDU in Jakarta, Surabaya, Manado in 2002 showed:

  - IDU age < 25 th (70 %)

  - Sharing needles 71%

  - Reusing needles 88%

  - Afraid from police arrest, not using their own needles 65%

Responses Toward the Problems

      2001: A group of key persons in this area (government & NGOs) with support of Ausaid had visited Australia to learn about HIV prevention among IDUs

      End of 2001: There was initiative from the above group to have collaborative action between the authority bodies of drug abuse issues and HIV/AIDS issues in order to prevent HIV transmission among IDUs


Responses Toward the Problems (2)

      Mid of 2001: informal advocacy to the stakeholders by the key persons in MOH-RI , WHO Indonesia and UNAIDS about the importance of establishing Methadone Maintenance Program as one strategy to minimize the problems

      End of 2001: Indonesian Medical Association released a conditional approval of the MMP implementation (ambiguous approval)


Responses Toward the Problems (3)

      2001 – 2002: preparing the establishment of MMP:

   Approached targeted hospitals in Jakarta & Bali

   Advocated mental health professional association and Indonesian Medical Association to overcome pros and cons among them

   Implemented training on methadone treatment management for the staff from the two sites à capacity building

   Methadone procurement under WHO support


Responses Toward the Problems (4)

      2001 – 2004: tremendous efforts in ensuring stakeholders (health authorities, professionals, police & judiciary, religious leaders, community leaders) by the national harm reduction core team about the necessity to implement harm reduction strategies

      End of 2003: the MOU between National AIDS Commission and National Narcotics Board was signed


The Establishment MMP

      January 2003: Jakarta clinic was set-up

  Jakarta clinic was part of specialized hospital targeting drug users à more experienced in handling drug users

      February 2003: Bali clinic was set-up

  Bali clinic was part of general hospital à less experienced

Facts about the Law

      Using drug is considered as a crime, even for possessing 1-2 pills MDMA, cannabis or heroin users

      Carrying syringe and needle is also considered as a crime

      Opioid as a medicine might be given to patient conditionally (in emergency room or in remote area) 

      Opioid as a medicine might be given orally by the pharmacists (Narcotic-Act)

      Prisons in big cities in Indonesia were dominated by drug related issues (60 – 70%) and mostly are drug user

Facts about the Budget

      Budget for health: 2% from the Government Budget

      Drug treatment is a part of mental health budget and the budget for mental health: 1-3% from the health budget

      No health insurance cover drug treatment

      There is budget allocation to support the poor to access infection related problems, but not to access drug treatment

      Budget for health under the topic of drug abuse come to National and Provincial Narcotic Board, not under the National Health Authority

      Turn-over rate of person in charge in the police department and narcotics board is high (provincial and national level) which hinders the collaboration with health system

Facts about Methadone Clients in RSKO, Jakarta

      30% MMT patients get ART

      60 % MMT patients HIV (+)

      Most of MMT patients have passed VCT

      10% MMT patients get TB + ART

      90% MMT patient have Hep C



Current Methadone Clients in Indonesia

      Currently, 300 active clients in RSKO Jakarta, 30 in PHC North Jakarta

      300 clients in Sanglah, 30 in Kerobokan prison, Bali

      30 in Surabaya and 20 in Bandung


Facts about the Clients

      About 400 clients in private doctors in Indonesia using Buphrenorpine Maintenance Treatment (BMT)

      50 patients in RSKO using BMT

      2 patients in RSKO using naltrexone

      Dosage : Methadone 60-220 mg per day or Buprenorphine 2-32 mg per day

      Take Home Dose for Methadone is 2 days, buprenorphine 7 days, after in stabilized dose





Encourage clients to remain in treatment longer in order:

      To prevent HIV, Hep B & Hep C, and OI transmissions

      To provide more opportunity to change their risk behavior by psychosocial intervention

      To broaden clients’ experience in handling their physical, emotional and social problems



Encourage clients to remain in treatment longer in order:

      Enhancing clients’ adherence to other necessary therapy such as ARV, TB

      Giving sufficient time for client to achieve a healthier life style


Scale up substitution program treatment :

      To recruit more clients to join the program in order to minimize the HIV transmission

      To overcome the issue of accessibility

      To  lessen take-home dose regime regarding shorter distance to reach clinic everyday


Scale up substitution program treatment :

      To decrease dropped-out, relapse, and hospital care rate

      To assist the development of ART, TB and other medication program among IDU

      To decrease crime


Support the treatment program by:

      Understanding the problems of HIV/IDUs transmission among IDU à realizing that this problem is more medical issue than legal issue

      Secure the safety of treatment services and environment

      Understanding that substitution treatment is a medical treatment method where the health workers have obligation to give treatment to the patients and patients have rights to be treated


Additional Services in MMT

      RSKO Clinic with support of IHPCP-Ausaid, supports methadone recipients in increasing their entrepreneurship knowledge and skills

      Sport activities for PLHA at Sutomo Hospital Surabaya

      Involvement of case managers to link ART sites and NGO and community

Recent Conditions

      June 2005: President of the RI visited Methadone Clinic in Jakarta à as suggested by the National Narcotics Board à moral support

      2005: First National Meeting on Harm Reduction Issues

      2006: starting to expand the clinics in other cities (Surabaya and Bandung) and other health settings (Primary Health Care)

      We have 312 doctors who have been trained on buprenorphine treatment, 30% have done the work, approximately :  400 patients. Mostly private doctors

      2006 : Preparing MoU on HR and treatment for IDU in the closed settings à MoH - Ministry of Justice - Ministry of Internal Affair



Program Challenges

      Up to now, the authorized bodies in Drug and Food Administration (FDA) Indonesia has not released the license of methadone distribution

      Methadone has been obtained through special access scheme

      Accessibility is still the main issues: charge & location

      Uncooperative attitude from the Indonesian Psychiatric Association up to now toward maintenance treatment

Action Plan

      Revise National Guideline of MMT based on current research result

      Continuous advocacy to the FDA and Government Pharmaceutical Coy to give methadone distribution license as soon as possible

      Intensive advocacy to the National AIDS Commission and the National Narcotics Board to get financial support of methadone program

      Trying to integrate methadone budget into the annual national budget

      Scaling-up the program to other sites and health settings to overcome accessibility issues

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