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Opioid Agonist Pharmacotherapy Of Opioid Dependence: Evidence Of Treatment Effectiveness
2007-07-08 22:21:37 来自: 作者: 阅读量:1

Opioid Agonist Pharmacotherapy Of Opioid Dependence: Evidence Of Treatment Effectiveness

Assoc. Professor Robert Ali

Discipline of Pharmacology

School of Medical Sciences

University of Adelaide



Opioid Dependence

      chronic and relapsing disorder

      significant premature mortality and morbidity

   1 to 3 percent untreated die per year

    half due to heroin overdose

    Around 13 times more likely to die than age sex matched

    Globally around 10% of HIV assoc with IDU

    Some countries over 70% of HIV assoc with IDU

   significant social and economic costs

     crime, unemployment, psychosocial problems and the cost of law enforcement


      13.5 million using opioids

  4.3 million dependent opioid users

      At best only 40-60% in treatment

   0.5 Million in MMT

   0.1 Million BMT

Key Outcomes of Maintenance Pharmacotherapy Programs

      Ý Retention in treatment

    Facilitates reduction/cessation of opioid use

    Reduces risky behaviours associated with opioid use

      ß Mortality and morbidity

      Ý Psychological, emotional and physical wellbeing of patients

      ß Social costs associated with illicit drug use

      ß Crime.


Australia NEPOD Background

      Mid-1960s heroin first came into Australia

      By 1997 an estimated 74,000 dependent heroin users

   10% 25-34 years deaths due to heroin overdose

   Heroin-related crime cost between Aus$ 0.5-1.5 billion (9 billion CNY)

  Only 36% of dependent heroin users in treatment


Scale of the project

      13 treatment trials

      1,425 patients (355 already in MMT)

      More than 250 clinical and research staff


Retention in treatment
Methadone, buprenorphine, LAAM maintenance

Retention in treatment 
Methadone, buprenorphine and LAAM vs naltrexone

Heroin-free days in past 28 days
Heroin users still in treatment

Spending by heroin users in treatment
$ spent in past 28 days

Crime by heroin users in treatment
% reporting crime in past 28 days

Cost-effectiveness: maintenance
Cost per extra heroin-free day in 6th month

Cost-effectiveness: maintenance
Cost per extra heroin-free day in 6th month

       Methadone is the most cost-effective treatment currently available


       Naltrexone treatment is the least cost-effective


       Treatment in primary health care setting is more cost-effective than in specialist clinics

NEPOD outcomes

       Demonstrated treatment significantly reduces heroin use, associated crime and morbidity

       Agonist maintenance treatment:

    heroin-free days 3 days in the month before treatment to 2224 days in the third month of treatment

    same period criminal behaviour reduced more than 50%, expenditure on heroin reduced by more than 75%

       Antagonist successful treatment for much smaller proportion

       Detoxification not sufficient stand-alone treatment

Abstinence rates in NTORS – client treated in methadone programmes

Outpatient Methadone Treatment
 Changes from Before to After Treatment


HIV infection rates in and out of substitution treatment (Metzger et al. 1993)

Australian Treatment Outcome Study

      12 month longitudinal outcome study

      Treatment for heroin dependency

      825 participants recruited in 3 Australian States

    745 treatment participants:

    Detoxification (n=288)

    Pharmacotherapy maintenance (n=277)

    Residential rehabilitation (n=180)

    80 participants not in treatment

      Interviewed at baseline 3 and 12 months

      657 interviewed at 12 months (79.6% follow up)

Treatment pathways
 Maintenance pharmacotherapy

Maintenance pharmacotherapy I

Maintenance pharmacotherapy II

Drug Substitution Treatment

F  Strong evidence for the benefits of oral methadone treatment  RCTs +++  REASONABLE EFFECT SIZE




F  Now good evidence for buprenorphine and LAAM RCTs ++


F    NTORS three pound saving for every one pound extra spent on treatment


F    CALDATA 7 dollars for every dollar spent on treatment


F    Cost of imprisonment significantly higher than cost of care in community but savings for criminal justice sector and costs for health and social services sector


F    Zarkin 2005. Benefit–cost ratio of treatment from lifetime model (37.72) exceeds the benefit–cost ratio from a static model (4.86).



Opioid replacement pharmacotherapy

      Opportunity to stabilise health and social status before addressing physical adaptation

      Mortality rate in MMT 1/3 that for heroin dependent people not in treatment

      For each person in MMT for 12 months, cost saving to society of $180,000 p.a.

      MMT has good record of retention in treatment, reduction of injecting drug use, reduction of criminal activity.

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